Thursday, February 27, 2014

I spent $70 more to fill the propane tank this month than I did in December. The previous tank emptied very quickly so I mostly live in the bedroom until spring.  I can heat the one room with a small electric heater and save money. Why is my heat propane? Because I live in a 5th wheel RV.
When I first had to retire one my biggest fears was being homeless. I could not envision myself as one of the women who held their meager belongings in torn brown paper and dirty plastic bags perhaps in a grocery cart. In reality I could move back to Connecticut to live with one of my siblings. But leave Washington, my home for 34 years? The thought made me feel the same as I did when thinking of being homeless. I came to Seattle when I was 26, barely an adult. I fell in love with the beauty and less hurried life. I do better in rain than in snow. I love the summer without sweltering heat and unforgivably high humidity.  Not to be homeless I bought a 10 x 21 foot motor home.

The plan was to travel to different music festivals during the summer and maybe head south for the winter. My health prevented me from following this plan. Instead I ended up parked in my older brother’s back yard. At first the small space was not a problem because I mostly slept and watched DVDs. As my health slowly improved, the motor home started to close in around me. After moving from my brother’s to an RV park I traded my little house in for a 5th wheel. Moving from the motor home to the 5th wheel was like moving into a mansion. There was so much room I didn’t think I would ever fill it. (Of course I filled it.) Now I can work on craft projects, cook more easily, and wash in a real shower. I have a home and a small yard that I fill with flowers in the spring.

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