Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Up Date

I admit my plan for writing 15 minutes a day has been a failure so far. I’m still confident that I’ll get there. My little dogs, Gina and Charlie, are a pain when it’s time to change the bed. They’re not as bad as cats but run a close second. First they will not get off the bed. Then when I finally get them off they sit on the pile of blankets on the floor while watching my every move. Of course they try to jump back on the bed and I stop them. As soon as I throw on the bedspread I tell them okay. They jump onto the bed and inspect my work. Sigh. We are defiantly having spring showers in Seattle. There have been a few sun breaks. I once lived in Los Angeles. The constant sun shine aggravated me. There was never a cloud. Just day after day of unbearable heat and smog. The water was so hard soap would barely lather. It tasted terrible so I drank sodas. I thought of how good the water tasted in Seattle and how the lakes turned different colors, I thought of the clouds. I returned to Seattle. On Easter I could have my own Easter hunt by myself. I wouldn’t remember where I put the eggs.

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