Friday, March 21, 2014

Sunny in Seattle

Sunny and warm in Seattle, who could ask for more? With sun comes energy, so I completed chores I’ve been avoiding such as washing the car and continuing to prepare the yard for planting. To be honest most of my yard is concrete. There is a little strip in the back where I plant grass for the dogs. I even blew some Dandelion puffs there because Gina likes to eat the flowers. How she chooses the ones she’ll eat is a mystery. Some she’ll put in her mouth and then remove without breaking them from their stems. She’s such a silly little girl. Charlie doesn’t bother much with grass or flowers except to mark on some of them. In the front of the yard are roses in large pots. This year I’ll have pink, deep yellow, white, red, pink trimmed with red, and a fiery red and yellow. Other flowers will join them as the weather improves. This spring and summer are predicted to be warm and sunny. No complaints here. I keep saying I would like one day where my head feels right. Just one day and I’d sore to the moon and back. I’d read two books in a day and take three long walks. I’ll clean my entire little house at one time and sit outside searching for eagles and their nests close by. Just one day when my head doesn’t feel stuffed with cotton and in need of more sleep. Sigh. I just started the course “Building Great Sentences” through great Courses. The first lesson was rather dull as the professor filled the time explaining what would be covered and why. No need to take notes yet. Will write more this weekend.

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